- 641
- Brucha Yarmulka
- Offering several styles of kipot, benchers, and taleisim. Personalization available.
- 649
- Mazel Tops
- Unique hand-painted yarmalkes, personalized with a name in Hebrew, English or both. A toll free number is provided for ordering.
- 650
- Modest World
- Offering women's headcoverings, maternity clothes, and girl's clothing in keeping with the laws of Tznius (modesty). Products made in Israel.
- 651
- Weinfeld Skull Cap Manufacturing Company
- Offering direct sales of yarmulkes, taleisim and tzitzit. Contact information, ordering details, and description of items are included.
- 653
- S.T.A.M.
- Offering Torahs, tefillin and mezuzahs, and torah repair and related services from a qualified sofer. Includes general information about tefillin and how to make a Torah.
- 655
- Hebrew World
- Cutting edge Jewish multimedia, software, tutorials, books, CDs and CD-ROMS. Appropriate for all ages.
- 656
- Kabbalah Software Inc.
- Create and sell Hebrew fonts, Jewish software and Judaic clip-art for instant download.
- 657
- Sapir Torah Text Processor
- Hebrew/English text processor with special features for Torah writers, including integrated Hebrew text searching and automatic Sheim Hashem Protection.
- 658
- DJ Kings in Toronto
- Serving all your entertainment needs with highly trained and experienced deejays & emcees.