- 442
- Yeshiva Nefesh Dovid
- Residential high school program for boys who are deaf or hard of hearing. Located in Toronto, Canada.
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- Aish Hatorah
- International network of Jewish educational centers, offering classes designed for students with little or no religious background.
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- Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva
- Located near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, offering advanced textual study for men serving in the army and a Kollel program for married men.
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- Kollel Torah Mitzion
- Program establishing learning centers for the study of Torah directed towards recent graduates of the Hesder Yeshivot.
- 446
- Lev Yisrael
- Primarily a yeshiva with a focus on Talmudic study, there is additional emphasis on the unique needs of a Ba'al Tshuva.
- 447
- Sh'or Yoshuv Yeshiva
- Brings together novices and experienced Torah scholars, Baal Teshuvas, and Yeshiva educated youth for Torah studies. Long Island, NY.
- 448
- The Jewish Learning Exchange
- An educational and social center for young Jews with little or no Jewish background. Offers a variety of classes, events and trips. United Kingdom.
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- Yeshiva B'nei Torah
- A center for the study of Torah that offers different levels of instruction by Rabbis.
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- Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah
- Yeshiva located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel.
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- Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi
- Institution for the study of Gemara, Halacha, and Tanach with a Centrist Orthodox orientation. Includes tiyulim and special overseas, chessed, and Kollel programs.
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- Yeshivat Hesder Ma'alot
- Program combining intensive Jewish studies with army service in Israel's Western Galilee region. Offers an additional teacher training and overseas program.
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- Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa
- Requires 2 years of yeshiva study and 3 years of army service for post-high school graduates. Offers additional programs for overseas and post-army students.
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- Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
- Torah learning at the Kotel with an overseas program. The Torah online section includes shiurim in text and audio.
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- Yeshivat Shuvu Bonim
- A Breslov Chassidic Yeshiva, learning and living according to the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.
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- Yeshivat Tiferet Yerushalayim
- Post-high school yeshiva combining learning with extensive programming, monthly tiyulim, and shabbatonim in various communities around Israel.
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- Jdaica
- Virtual exihibition of Judaica art and Jewish gifts manufactured by Israeli artists. For each type of object an explanation is given and the list of artists.