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- Wikipedia: Judaism
- Encyclopedia article containing detailed information on principles of faith, history, philosophy, prayer, law, clergy, denominations, and relationships with other religions.
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- A Guide to Brit Milah/Bris Milah
- A mohel offers information about the ritual, its history, and details of what qualifications are required to perform the ritual.
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- Bris Milah in the UK
- Information for parents about Bris Milah or circumcision and where to find a Mohel in the UK.
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- CircCentral--The World's Largest Online Circumcision Museum
- This site catalogs antique tools used for ritual Jewish circumcisions (brit milah). Included are numerous knives, shields and other artifacts. There is also a useful section on spotting counterfeit Judaica.
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- Pidyon haben coins variety
- Pidyon Haben is the Jewish Mitzvah of redemption of the firstborn son. The father of the child redeems his son, by paying five silver coins to a Kohein. We sell a large variety of coins to fulfill this Mitzvah. Read our articles to understand all about Pidyon Haben
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- Getting Your Get
- Information for Jewish men and women in England, Wales and Scotland about divorce according to Jewish family law. List of organisations to contact for advice and information
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- Jewish Relocation Assistance
- A national cost free service specializing in assisting Jewish families and individuals relocate throughout the United States.
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- MikvahMinder.com is an online Mikvah Calendar
- MikvahMinder is an online Mikvah Calendar which makes keeping Taharas HaMispacha (Family Purity) easy by calculating all dates and sending reminders to your email or cell phone.
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- The Jewish Bereavement Project
- An online guide to Jewish Bereavement Resources and Services through out Los Angeles County. The site offers listings of Jewish and secular support groups, agencies that offer related services, relevant websites, books and other resources. There is also information specific to the Jewish Mourning process.
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- Write About Now
- An affordable, on-demand writing service providing personalized speeches, toasts and poems for bat and bar mitzvah candlelighting ceremonies, weddings, parties and memoriams.