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Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Monthly meetings are held in London. A Newsletter and diary of forthcoming satsangs in the UK and Europe is published three times per year.
15 a Victoria Road, London, NW6 6SX As 'I - I', the Self aware. By search for Self, or diving deep The Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK is a registered charity. An elected committee guides the Foundation. Members endeavour to live by Bhagavan's teaching faithfully, without the Intrusion of personalities, and to practise Self-enquiry and surrender in all circumstances of our everyday lives. You are most welcome to ring us and visit, to look at books or talk of sadhana.
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Page title:Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK
Keywords:Ramana Mahrshi Foundation UK, Brahman, Self, Atman, satsangs, meditation, devotion, Self Enquiry, Robert Adams, Ramesh Balsekar, Douglas Harding, Catherine Ingram, Francis Lucille, David Frawley
Description:The Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK holds monthly satsangs on Ramana's teachings and publishes a 100 page journal, 'Self Enquiry', along with a Newsletter, three times year.