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The Order of Chaos

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A dis/organization of magickians, artists and musicians who do private and performance rituals, merging ancient mythology with modern technology.
Above is the anima-ted wo/mandala of The HermAphroditic ChAOrder of The SILVER DUSK The 8 outward-pointing arrows of (expansion, exhalation) are counterpointed by the 8 inwards-pointing arrows of (contraction, inhalation) formed by the negative space
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Page title:The ORDER of CHAOS
Keywords:order, chaos, Order of Chaos, order of chaos, order ov chaos, ov, magic, magick, magical, magickal, magician, circle, cast, spell, ritual, chaos magic, austin spare, Austin Spare, rite, rites, theatre, mythos, logos, imagos, group, magicians, magus, adept, initiate, initiation, pagan, paganism, gods, goddesses, sun, moon, alchemical marriage, alchemical, alchemy, paradox, dualities, transcendance, transcend, life, death, change, mutation, thelema, thelemic, peter carrol, Null, vortex, orryelle, Orryelle, hermaphrodite, sigil, symbol, symbolism, inter-, metamorphosis, cult, sect, invocation, banishing, banishment, evocation, sorcery, Orobouros, oroboros, tiamat, Tiamat, midgard serpent, World Tree, world tree, tree of life, occult, esoteric, AOS, Spare, occultism, hidden, qabbala, definition, silver, dusk, silverdusk, silver dusk, hermaphroditic, chaorder, laughter, absurdity, fool, tool, wand, sword, cup, pentacle, elements, elemental, circles, manipulation, perception, will, subvert, subversion, subculture, performance, private, member, trip, intensity, intense, medium, transmission, Maat, maat, horus, Horus, anarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, disorder, eris, Eris, collective, cosmic fuck, tarot, tantra, manifest, Nuit, nuit, Hadith, hadith, point, crescent, perfection, infinite, infinity, loop, mindfuck, gobbledigook, gossamer, found, hasten, magnet, sorcery, catalyst, vibration, matrix, intangible, tangible, manifestation, merging, imagery, bliss, union, irrelevant, relevant, 333, Hermes, Coatlicue, hermes, coatlicue, quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, kukulkan, mandible, mandala, caduceus, organization, technology, disorganization
Description:The HermAphroditic ChAOrder of the SILVER DUSK is a dis/organization of magickians, artists and musicians who do private and performance rituals, merging ancient mythology with modern technology. Operating through Metamorphic Ritual Theatre, the Mutation Parlour and others, they herald the age of the alchymic HermAphrodite...