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Ordo Astri

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Description: Offers a system of initiation into the Thelemic tradition.
Ordo Astri : College of Hermetic Light Ordo Astri : College of Hermetic Light Ordo Astri : College of the Hermetic Light Welcome to the official website of Ordo Astri, the Order of the Star In an initiatory Order the task of the aspirant is to build and contribute to the symbol of that Order. This may be realised variously as a vault, a holy mountain or a pyramid. Aspirants build the temple from their body, their mind, their heart and their will so that it becomes a perfected and balanced representation of the universe they inhabit. Tiphereth is the crown and pinnacle of the First Order but it is from the Second Order that the temple receives light and so is fully realised as a living symbol. When the aspirant becomes an Initiate of the Second Order their task is to fasten themselves to the cross of their creative Will, to sacrifice their self to that Will so as to transmit the life-giving light back into the symbol they have helped to build and have made communion with. In this way modern magicians are partaking of the same act as our ancient Egyptian forbearers, whose physical temples were built magically as well as scientifically, so as to unite the microcosm with the macrocosm, “As above, so below”.
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Page title:Ordo Astri : College of Hermetic Light
Keywords:magick, magical orders, correspondence course, initiation, membership, ceremonial magic, high magic, magick, magickal, organisations, organizations, mystery school, ordo astri, order of the star, qabalah, hermetic, hermes, philosophy, pagan, paganism, mysticism, witchcraft, secret teachings, hermetic magic, golden dawn, rose cross, silver star, argenteum astrum, thelema, thelemic, books, courses, grades, degrees, western tradition, alchemy, esoteric, dion fortune, kenneth grant, typhon, typhonian, aleister crowley, kemetic, egyptian gods, egyptian magic, enochian, watchtowers, tattwas, tarot, isis, nuit, horus, hadit, astral, skrying, talismans, angels, spirits, elementals, ceremonial, ritual, meditation, gnosis
Description:Ordo Astri: College of Hermetic Light. Ordo Astri is a Kemetic and Thelemic School of the Mysteries with an operational collegium and grade system based on the Hermetic Qabalah.