Esoteric and Occult
- 301
- Eclectic Theosophical History
- History of the theosophical movement and its influence on the outside world. Maintained by Katinka Hesselink.
- 303
- Sunrise: Theosophic Perspectives
- Bimonthly magazine presenting themes in the light of ancient and modern theosophy. Articles available online. Published in Pasadena, California.
- 304
- The High Country Theosophist, The High Country Newsletter
- Independent journal serving the greater Theosophical Movement. Dick Slusser, editor. Back issues available in PDF format.
- 305
- Major Theosophical Groups
- Near-complete list of theosophical organisations all over the world in different languages. (ULT, Adyar, Pasadena and others)
- 306
- Paracelsian Order: Madre Grande Monastery
- Theosophically-based retreat and learning center located in Dulzura, California. Offers many programs and events. Articles by theosophists.
- 307
- Temple of the People
- Online events calendar, newsletter, literature, MIDI music files, contact information. Located in Halycon, California.
- 308
- The Blavatsky Trust
- Dedicated to researching spiritual and religious fields of knowledge and to disseminate its findings. The writings of H.P. Blavatsky are particularly relevant.
- 309
- The Theosophical Society in Iceland
- Information on theosophy and the Theosophical Society (Adyar), with online articles and links.
- 310
- Theosophical Order of Service
- Organization founded by Annie Besant in order to organize theosophists who want to practically help people. Information on animal welfare, ecology, family, the history of the organization and social service.
- 311
- Theosophical Society
- Associated with Theosophical University Press and Sunrise magazine. Located in Pasadena, California. Site offers full text of many theosophical books and articles.
- 312
- Theosophical Society - Adyar
- International headquarters of the Theosophical Society located in Chennai (Madras), India. Information on its history, the Adyar Library and Research Centre, magazines, activities and basic theosophical concepts.
- 313
- Theosophical Society in America
- Home of the national center of the Theosophical Society (Adyar). Features membership information, information on activities, articles and resources. Also links to international sites.
- 314
- Theosophical Society in Australia
- Part of the Theosophical Society - Adyar. Brief information on ancient wisdom teachings. Links to Australian Theosophical Society Centres and Groups and information on activities.
- 315
- Theosophical Society in the Philippines
- On activities, schools, radioprogrammes, books and the Blavatsky cd-rom. (TS Adyar)
- 316
- Theosophy Canada
- The Edmonton Theosophical Society gives information on theosophy and has online articles from its magazine Fohat.
- 317
- United Lodge of Theosophists
- Founded in 1909 to broadcast the teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writing of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge. Parent lodge is located in Los Angeles, California. Online videos, catalogue and information on activities.
- 318
- United Lodge of Theosophists - India
- Biographies of H.P. Blavatsky, W.Q. Judge and Robert Crosbie; theosophical fundamentals explained and information on activities.