- 341
- Astrological Society of Connecticut
- Non-profit organization which sponsors lectures and workshops.
- 342
- Astrology House
- Host site for the Astrology Foundation Incorporated of New Zealand. Also features consultation and charting services, and a selection of articles.
- 343
- Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc.
- Information about the federation including its code of ethics, members, examination procedure and journal.
- 345
- National Council for Geocosmic Research
- Dedicated to education and research, sponsors of a four level certification program.
- 346
- Organization for Professional Astrology
- Information about membership and objectives of this organization. Includes news archive, conference details and sales of lecture tapes.
- 347
- San Diego Astrological Society
- Information about members, meetings and speakers, with newsletter, members' library and astrologer directory.
- 348
- South Florida Astrological Association
- Features calendar of astrology events in the region including details of speakers, maps, and classes.
- 349
- The Australian Society of Astrologers Inc.
- News, articles, events and membership information from this society.
- 350
- The Centre for Psychological Astrology
- Workshops and professional training programs combining astrology with depth, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.
- 351
- The Urania Trust
- A UK educational charity aiming to encourage the study of astrology and to act as an umbrella organisation for existing schools and organisations. Trust details, publications list and links.
- 353
- AstroBob
- One man's view of the basics of astrology, together with cartoons, humor, quiz and some science fiction writings.
- 354
- Astrology With Dr Z
- Sun sign descriptions and information from Anthony Pena, long-time about.com Astrology editor.
- 355
- Blue Light Lady
- Genevieve Vierling's blog with astrology articles, book reviews, celebrity insights and horoscopes; contact info for readings with Genevieve.
- 356
- Chiron and Friends
- Chiron explored by Zane Stein through astrology, astronomy, mythology. Also: Pholus, Nessus, Asbolus, Chariklo, Hylonome, other Centaurs, bodies out past Pluto, Eris, asteroids, minor planets, exoplanets.