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Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Description: West Hartford, CT. Information on church and community events, news, adult education and schedule of services.
Westminster Presbyterian Church Worshiping God and Embracing Diversity Westminster Presbyterian Church Worshiping God and Embracing Diversity Worshiping God and Embracing Diversity Westminster is a vibrant church filled with friendly, caring people who embrace diversity and who help others in the community and throughout the world.  We're a place where people come together for a common journey - a journey of seeking and discovering how we fit into this complicated world, and how we can use our gifts and talents in sharing the love of Jesus with each other and those in need.  Westminster provides many opportunities for study and fellowship.  You can find information about them and many other exciting activities on this website.  After learning more about Westminster we hope that you decide to visit - you will be warmly welcomed!
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Page title:Westminster Presbyterian Church Worshiping God and Embracing Diversity
Keywords:Westminster Presbyterian Church,PC(USA, Presbyterian Church (USA),West Hartford, Connecticut,Rev. J. David Wiseman, Rev. gretchen Sausville,Westminister Presbyterian Church,06107
Description:Westminster Presbyterian Church PC(USA) West Hartford, CT