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Voice of the Martyrs, Australia

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Supporting the persecuted Church around the world. Newsletter, prayer support, and letter-writing information.
An exclusive report on persecution in Nigeria from John Wilson, VOM's CEO. John shares his insights from meeting persecuted Christians on his recent trip to Nigeria. Pastor John Ali Doro lost his wife, four children and two grandchildren in an attack against Christians in Nigeria. In the midst of terrible grief, the story of Job has taught him to continue trusting God and to pray for those who killed his family.
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Page title:Voice of the Martyrs
Keywords:Christian,persecution,wurmbrand,martyrs,VOM, voice of the martyrs,voice,faith,Christ,Jesus,restricted, hostile,gospel,underground,church,bible,Lord,God,Hebrews, bonds,prayer,pray,scripture,prison,suffering,ministry,equipping, families,medical,appeal,newsletter,international,evangelical, inter-denominational,faith,serve,serving
Description:Voice of the Martyrs is an international, evangelical, inter-denominational faith mission, committed to serving today's persecuted Christians around the world. We are organised as autonomous missions in various countries, cooperating and working together through our International Christian Association. We work in approximately 50 countries, encouraging, supporting and equipping persecuted believers.