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The Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - LMS-USA

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Description: Official site for synod formed in 1995. History, statements of faith, newsletters, links to member congregations, and other news and information.
Welcome to the LMS-USA -- the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA The LMS-USA was formed in 1995 by pastors and congregations concerned with the lack of denominational alternatives in the mainstream of traditional Lutheranism. It describes its theological positions as "Biblical, Confessional, Evangelical, Liturgical, and Congregational."
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Page title:Welcome to the LMS-USA -- the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA
Keywords:biblical, evangelical, confessional, liturgical, congregational, lutheran, luther, charismatic, kurt marquart, indianapolis, chetek, inerrant, infallible, inspired, seminary, ministerium, synod, catechism, church growth, liturgy, worship, orthodox, catholic, melanchthon, chemnitz, wittenberg, reformation, enthusiasm, augsburg, bible, clergy, pastor, denomination, creeds, concord, biblical, evangelical, confessional, liturgical, congregational, lutheran, luther, charismatic, kurt marquart, indianapolis, chetek, inerrant, infallible, inspired, seminary, ministeium, synod, catechism, church growth, liturgy, worship, orthodox, catholic, melanchthon, chemnitz, wittenberg, reformation, enthusiasm, augsburg , bible, clergy, pastor, denomination, creeds, concord, Lutheranism, seminary
Description:The LMS-USA was formed in 1995 by pastors and congregations concerned with the lack of denominational alternatives in the mainstream of traditional Lutheranism. It describes its theological positions as 'Biblical, Confessional, Evangelical, Liturgical, and Congregational'.