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The Church in Richardson

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Description: Beliefs, a brief history, testimonies, and meeting times.
THE CHURCH IN RICHARDSON - Lovers of Jesus affiliated with local churches, Watchman Nee, Witness Lee (Splash Page) Copyright © 2000. The Church in Richardson.
Size: 167 chars

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Page title:THE CHURCH IN RICHARDSON - Lovers of Jesus affiliated with local churches, Watchman Nee, Witness Lee (Splash Page)
Keywords:church in Richardson, local church, local churches, Witness Lee, Watchman Nee, christians on campus, Lord's recovery, Recovery Version, Watchman Nee, witness lee, the local church, Living Stream Ministry, the local churches, LSM, amana, emanna, lord's recovery, recovery version, christians on campus, e-manna, local churches, watchman nee, recovery version, christians on campus, local church, witness lee, living stream, Jesus Christ, Jesus, lord's recovery, recovery version, God, Christians, campus, life-study of the bible with witness lee, Watchman Nee, life study, Lord, Jesus Christ, Spirit, Holy Spirit, local church, Christ, spirit, ministry, faith, spiritual, Life-Study, salvation, testimony, watchman nee, Holy Bible, recovery version, the Lord's recovery, believers, bible, fellowship, local churches, testimonies, lee, witness, gospel, prayer, Christians, truth, believer, Christianity, scriptural, watchman nee, holy scriptures, lord's recovery, Witness Lee, Christians on Campus, worship
Description:A local church, the church in Richardson, enjoys Christ and recommends the ministry of Witness Lee, Watchman Nee.