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Texas Methodist Foundation

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Learn about a foundation that serves six Texas United Methodist conferences and provides support for Christian ministries.
Welcome to Texas Methodist Foundation Connecting United Methodist Resources with the Purpose of God’s Church In frontier Texas many Methodists traveled far and wide to open-air rough board “tabernacles,” to share their common need for one another and deep longing to glorify God for a magnificent world of abundance surrounding them on all sides. Not yet a fully established institution, “church” was a community of people gathered in to worship God, so they could go out and serve God’s people in the world.
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Contact Information



Page title:Welcome to Texas Methodist Foundation
Keywords:Texas Methodist Foundation consultants contact information email phone fax business hours loans endowments grants investments stewardship address staff employees services United Methodists
Description:Texas Methodist Foundation helps the United Methodist community by serving individuals, churches, institutions, and agencies to fulfill their God-appointed mission to the larger community.