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Stone Gate Resources

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Resources to deal with the problems of sexual addiction, affairs, pornography, and sexual misconduct. Offers counseling, seminars and consulting.
Stone Gate Resources | Brief Intensive Counseling | Biblical Counseling Welcome to Stone Gate Resources Regardless of your education, success in life, or spiritual experience, living in an imperfect world is always a challenge. Nowhere is this more apparent than in relationships with others. Whether married or single, relationships breakdown despite our best efforts. The ministry of Stone Gate Resources has a national reputation for calling individuals and couples to a new level of faithfulness through spiritual, relational and sexual maturity.
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Page title:Stone Gate Resources | Brief Intensive Counseling | Biblical Counseling
Keywords:brief intensive counseling, sex addiction, biblical counseling, sex addiction, Christian counseling, false intimacy, porn, pornography, sexual purity, sexual sin, harry schaumburg, sex, sexual addiction, sex addiction, addiction, recovery, porno addiction, pornography addiction, adultery, counseling, marriage counseling, therapy, pastoral, pastoral counseling, sexual compulsion, marriage ,marital relations, christian counseling, biblical counseling, christian counselors, marriage counseling, marriage counselors, sexual intimacy, sexual problems, sex offenders, sexual misconduct, false intimacy, schaumburg, clergy misconduct, moral failure, sex addiction counselors, sex addiction counseling, sex addiction christian counseling, christian marriage counseling, christian marriage therapy, sexual exploitation, sexual assault, clergy abuse, sex exploitation, affair, affair with therapist, affair with minister, affair with counselor, professional incest, sexual harassment, doctor, ethics, clergy, minister, affair with pastor
Description:Offering resources to deal with the problems of sexual addiction, affairs, pornography, and sexual misconduct. Dr. Schaumburg is a licensed counselor with twenty years of experience in treating sexual problems from a biblical perspective.