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St. Grigor Narekatsi, Book of Prayers

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Description: St. Gregory of Narkek's (950-1003 A.D.) Book of Prayer, translated into English by Thomas J. Samuelian. The entire book is online (free), and it's searchable and cross indexed. There are also commentaries and some church history.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness: for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words Born circa 950 to a family of scholarly churchmen, St. Gregory entered Narek Monastery on the south-east shore of Lake Van at a young age. Shortly before the first millennium of Christianity, Narek Monastery was a thriving center of learning. These were the relatively quiet, creative times before the Turkic and Mongol invasions that changed Armenian life forever. Armenia was experiencing a renaissance in literature, painting, architecture and theology, of which St. Gregory was a leading figure. The Prayer Book is the work of his mature years. He called it his last testament: "its letters like my body, its message like my soul." St. Gregory left this world in 1003, but his voice continues to speak to us.
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Page title:ST. NAREKATSI
Keywords:Armenian church, Gregory of Narek , Narek, Narekatsi, Nareg,Naregatsi, Krikor Naregatsi, Grigor Narekatsi , Book of Lamentations, Matean Oghbergutyan, Armenian mysticism, Armenian saints, Van, Ani
Description:St. Gregory's (950-1003 A.D.) Book of Prayer is known in Armenian as Girk aghotits (literally, 'book of prayer') or Matean voghbergutyan (literally 'book of tragedy or lamentation'). Translation into English by Thomas J. Samuelian.


Status: active
Last modified: 2014-01-10
Expires: 2015-01-13