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Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ

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Description: A short history of this denomination, a 1957 union of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches.
Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ A Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ tells our story beginning with our origins in the small community who followed Jesus 20 centuries ago and continuing to the present. Learn about the Reformation—a protest movement against the abuse of authority by church leaders; the rediscovery by Luther and Calvin of the Bible's teaching that salvation is not earned, but is a gift; the epic journey of the Pilgrims from England to the shores of North America; the waves of emigration by German and Hungarian Protestants seeking spiritual and political freedom; the beginning of the first Christian anti-slavery movement in history; the 20th-century movement to reunite the divided branches of Christ's church, and, as a result of that movement, the union of several traditions of Protestant Christianity into the United Church of Christ in 1957.
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Page title:Short Course in the History of the United Church of Christ