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Salem Pastoral Counseling Center

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Pastoral counseling provided for individual, relationship, and family concerns in Salem, Oregon.
Salem Pastoral Counseling Center - Counselors Integrating Spirituality and Psychotherapy Salem Pastoral Counseling Center INTEGRATING SPIRITUALITY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Salem Pastoral Counseling Center offers counseling services by well trained and licensed counselors who have a sensitivity to religious and spiritual concerns. Counseling is provided for a wide variety of individual, relationship, and family concerns, in an atmosphere of  confidentiality, acceptance, trust, and understanding.
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 503-370-8050


Page title:Salem Pastoral Counseling Center - Counselors Integrating Spirituality and Psychotherapy
Keywords:salem pastoral counseling, christian counselor, interfaith, therapy, salem, oregon, marital, pre-marital, individual, relationship, family, trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, religious, spiritual, church
Description:The Salem Pastoral Counseling Center provides confidential services by licensed counselors who are well trained, and have a sensitivity to religious and spiritual concerns.