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Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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Description: Boonton. School and church information, directions, contact information, schedules, clergy.
                      One can be baffled and amazed watching the Sochi Olympic Ice Dancing competition. (Yeah, I admit it: I watched the ice dancing. You got a problem with that?). The skaters' countless hours of preparation morph into years of training. As a result, they confound the mind's eye with moves that betray our logic. Spectators gasp at the implausible and the improbable. How can someone do that?  Inspired, I actually came up a routine for myself, and I practice it in the rectory when no one is looking. (I think I have a shot at the 2018 Games). Anyway, I thought the reactions to those Sochi performances could resemble possible responses to Jesus' 'but I say to you,' statements. 6 times in the past two weeks, Jesus quotes the law and ratchets it up with 'but I say to you.' Go two miles when pressed for one? Turn the other cheek when struck on the other? Love your enemies? And even, gulp, 'be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect'? How can someone do that? Not logical. Impossible. In today's Gospel let us remember that he Christian life is an apprenticeship in self-giving love, and none of us start out as Olympians. We are saints-in-training. From the Manger to the Cross we have to practice daily little acts of love and a humble acceptance of God's grace. This is not done without falls along the way. Difficult routines only become beautiful after a lot of work. But the result captivates others as it gives witness to God Who is Love.  
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