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New Room Bristol

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: The oldest Methodist chapel in the world (1739), John Wesley's Chapel, Bristol. Overview, worship, friends, shop, visits, events, library and history.
The New Room Bristol - John Wesley’s Chapel in the Horsefair Welcome to The New Room website Holy Communion Service led by Revd David Hardy Lunchtime Concert - Debra Anderson & Hannah Simmons
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Page title:The New Room Bristol - John Wesley’s Chapel in the Horsefair
Keywords:New Room, Bristol, John Wesley, John Wesley's Chapel, Charles Wesley, Wesley, methodism, methodist, rock of ages, the oldest Methodist Chapel in the world, Charles Wesley House, Holy Communion every Friday, Group Visits to The New Room/John Wesley’s Chapel and Charles Wesley’s House, Methodist history, Churches in Bristol
Description:John Wesley built the chapel when he started preaching outdoors to the poor of Bristol. It can be seen today just as it was in the 18th Century. Visit the oldest Methodist Chapel in the world (1739), the cradle of Methodism