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Marriage Encounter / Engaged Encounter

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Affiliated with the UMC General Board of Discipleship. Promotes guided weekends away from home to help married and engaged couples learn how to communicate and shared together more fully and openly.
FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this). The focus of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is on communication between husband and wife. It is an opportunity to spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday life and to concentrate on each other as a couple. It's not a retreat, nor a marriage clinic, nor group sensitivity. It's a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Christian Marriage. This is a time for you and your spouse to be alone together. To rediscover each other, and together, focus on your relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that kind of attention! Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding day! Rediscover the best friend you had when you were first married! Join the millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive!
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Page title:Encounter United Methodist