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Literary Genre

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: A discussion of the literary genre of the Genesis creation accounts as allegorical.
>> Literary Genre Genesis Text:   Response or Documentary?   Allegory or Narrative? When reading a novel, you already know that it is fiction. Even if it is inspired by actual events, a novel is fiction. This means that the text is classified as being in the fiction narrative genre. When reading a children's fiction book to a child, it generally carries more than just an entertainment value; there is usually an accompanying educational element within the story. Such books can sometimes be ended with the popular phrase "The moral of the story is..." as a way of emphasizing an underlying principle that was intended to be communicated in the book.
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Page title:Literary Genre
Keywords:Literary Genre, Ancient Literature, Biblical Literature, Theistic Evolution, Creation vs Evolution, Creationism, Creation Science, Genesis, Textual Interpretation, Hermeneutics
Description:Failure to recognize the literary genre of the Genesis creation accounts by biblical literalists is the actual issues surrounding the creation controversy.