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InterComm Media

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Produces Christian films, videos, and filmstrips in foreign languages for all ages for use by missionaries and mission organizations in reaching international communities with the Gospel.
InterComm International Ministry - Translating Films For Christ Check out some of the ministry sites Intercomm recommends by visiting our links page In-Country Madagascar Recording Team The process of time never ceases to amaze me. We prayed for the Madagascar Project for nearly 2 years before God cleared the way for us to proceed. We set a schedule that would take us out of the USA for 46 days. Jill and I have yet to set out on a new adventure either over confident or worry free. We have, however, always departed with the assurance that in each instance previously God has blessed, protected, and completed His work. Due to the structure of the Malagasy language, we were less than positive this would be a trouble free Project. We anticipated long sessions at the recording table agonizing to find the right word or phrase that would allow their language to bring a message clear and succinct for the millions of people across this elongated island.
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Page title:InterComm International Ministry - Translating Films For Christ