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How was the Bible Written?

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Explanation on how the Bible was written and the manuscripts transmitted over time to the current Bible today.
How was the Bible Written? How did the prophets write the bible                                  4 For many the question on how was the Bible written is a mystery.  Even if someone agrees on the inspiration of the Bible, for many the mystery remains on how the Bible became the Bible?  If God revealed His words to Moses, how did those words get from Moses to us today? The question easily extends itself to all 40 writers of the 66 books, which make up the Bible. What was the language was the Bible written in?  What was it written on? These questions among others face the student of Bible origins.  Critics who attack the Bible play on the lack of historical and archeological knowledge to level their charges. 
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Page title:How was the Bible Written? How did the prophets write the bible
Keywords:Bible, Jesus, Redemption, Messaih, Covenant
Description:Explanation on how the Bible was written and the manuscripts transmitted over time to the current Bible today.