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Highland Church of Christ

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Abilene. Includes ministries, contact information, worship schedule, mission outreaches, and support groups.
Restoring Highland | Restoring Abilene | Restoring the World Lent is beginning to make sense to me.   I always look forward to Easter. It is, after all, the day God ruled death was not going to have the final word. Easter and all its implications are breathtaking. Death, the thing that has terrorized humanity from Genesis 4, has finally been revealed as fragile. Death tried swallowing up everything and discovered the Son of God was a bit more than it could chew. So death started working backward. The executed man breathes again, the women run away afraid, but with a different kind of fear. Their fear was mingled with great joy. I love Easter. But Lent is the Easter season’s misunderstood sibling. If you really want to understand Easter, you have to really understand death, and that brings us back to Lent. In the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, the fifth step is one of confession. In order for people to fully heal, it is understood you will admit to God, to yourself, and to another human being the full, exact nature of your wrongs. I wonder why they would insist on that? We live in a time and place where sin has become an adjective for chocolate, and sinful has come to mean just a little bit naughty. For some of us, this word still has religious meaning, but maybe more of a man standing on the side of the road with a sign pointing at the people who walk by. Sin has become a dirty word. So we decide not use it. Instead, we talk about the “mistakes we make” or the broken state of the world. But we never use the word sin, because it’s a word for the intolerant, narrow-minded, and small. Unless…. Have you ever noticed there are times in your life when everything around you begins to fall apart? Have you ever wondered why humans are so destructive? Or to bring this closer to home, have you ever wondered why
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