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Genesis Research

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Description: Offers perspectives which set out to be affirming of the scriptural Genesis record. Biblical accounts with detailed comment.
Accuracy in Genesis, NEW Perspectives affirming Biblical Creation Record, New Scriptual Biblical Creation Genesis Research studies NEW Perspectives Affirming the Genesis Record, the Creation Story Creation versus evolution is a very popular topic, is the Biblical creation record ( creationism ) true or not? Even many Christians see creationism as a nice story, a "myth" to illustrate a philosophy, but is not factual history. Then there are many forms of creationism, young earth creationism, old earth creationism, theistic evolution creationism, etc., and then many branches each category. Both Christianity, Judaism, Islam and a number of smaller religions believe in a creation record, which all adds up to a large percentage of the world's population that believe some form of creationism. The validity of Christian creationism, and the accuracy of the Biblical creation record must hinge on creditable demonstrations that the creation record is true and recent scientific and archaeological discoveries demonstrate this creationism validity and accuracy. Much depends upon proper translation and interpretation of the Masoretic Hebrew text of the creation story. And demonstrating how the Biblical creation narrative is in accord with the latest scientific discoveries concerning the universe its size, shape and beginnings. Also the latest discoveries of archaeology, DNA genetic classifications and the proposed theories concerning how this solar system and the planet Earth began, formed and changed over time. Young earth creation theories are shown to be invalid by many scientific physical evidences that prove that the earth is indeed very old and how the old earth interpetation of creationism as described in Genesis chapters one through eleven and various other Biblical Scriptures accurately describe the progressive development of the earth from a dark and empty planet to one abundantly populated by many life forms requiring solar energy. The climax being the creation of final human life form which happened ab
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Page title:Accuracy in Genesis, NEW Perspectives affirming Biblical Creation Record, New Scriptual Biblical Creation Genesis Research studies
Keywords:Genesis Biblical Genesis creation Bible creationism Bible study in the beginning creation vs evolution origins Charles Darwin evolution biology Eve Adam and Eve flood Biblical flood Sodom and Gomorrah ark Noah Noahs ark Israel Biblical volcano Hawaiian volcano lake varves Biblical Archaeology Biblical research Genesis research Biblical study
Description:Affirming Research and Bible study concerning the wonders of the Scriptual Creation account, the Genesis record, and quotes concerning the difficulties with the theories of evolution. Word study of the Hebrew text is combined with scientific evidences to examine long held beliefs concerning the creation. Including the length of the Genesis creation days, Adam and Eve and offspring as farmers, the created animal and vegetation species, and Ararat as the source land. The nature of the curse of the ground, the Biblical flood as a multi-fragment ice comet shower and other topics such as the chronologies, Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, dragons or dinosaurs and Easter. Two translations and a paraphrase of Genesis 1 to 11 are provided.


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Creation Date: 01-feb-2001
Expiration Date: 01-feb-2018