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First Presbyterian Church, Jefferson City, Missouri

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Scan day: 02 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Worship times, contact details, newsletters.
First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson City, MO 9:40 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 5 p.m. Sunday Night Live @5 Worship Service ') else document.write('') var curpos=10 var degree=10 var curcanvas="canvas0" var curimageindex=0 var nextimageindex=1 function fadepic(){ if (curpos' nextimageindex=(nextimageindex
Size: 341 chars

Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 573-636-2149


Page title:First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson City, MO
Keywords:First Presbyterian Church, Presbyterians, church, churches, Presbytery, mission, missions, Jefferson City, Jeff. City, Missouri, Mo., MO, mid-Missouri, Central Missouri, faith, religion, worship, study, religious, faiths, 324 Madison St., fellowship, congregation, congregations, parish, parishes, parishoners, God, Jesus, love, Christ, Christian, Christians, Bible, Bible study, medical mission, work camps, partnerships, preschool, Sunday School, Radio Broadcast, broadcasts, KWOS, Sunday, sundays, deacons, session, elders, elder, deacon, social work, social worker, teacher, teachers, youth, youth programs
Description:Learn more about the First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson City, MO. Local and international mission defines this congregation.