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Diocese of New Hampshire

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Scan day: 03 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Features a list of congregations, staff and directory, and calendar of events.
The Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire Bishop’s Column: March/April NHEN Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, At a meeting in early December, the Standing and the Mission Resources committees, along with some other representatives of the Episcopal churches in New Hampshire, met with me to do some praying, listening, and visioning about the direction of our collective ministry in this diocese.  We studied some statistics and trends of our life here.  We shared stories about where we sense the Holy Spirit is leading us.  There will soon be a more full report about some clear directions we sense the Spirit is leading us.  But for now I would say that we did not come out of the meeting with any blueprint or five-year strategic plan.  We came away with a mixture of exhaustion, fear, and joy.  That might sound frustrating.
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Phone&Fax: (603-224-1914


Page title:The Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire