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Covenant United Methodist Church, Spokane

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Scan day: 02 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Includes calendar, sermons, history, staff and directions.
Covenant United Methodist Church Sunday Worship Service / 9:30 am Children’s Time / 9:30am Adult Education Hour / 10:45-11:45 am Osias, Desiree, and Nikolas Segura-April are very grateful to Covenant UMC’s hospitality during their transition from California, through Spokane, to the Dominican Republic. Prior to moving to Spokane this past summer, they both served as professors at Fuller Theological Seminary, teaching missiology (Osias) and mission with children at risk (Desiree) in the School of Intercultural Studies. They have also served in pastoral ministry with children and youth and Hispanic ministries in the past. Dr. Osias Segura-Guzmán, originally from Costa Rica, was commissioned in late October as a UMC Global Ministries Missionary, and will be serving as President of the Seminario Teológico de la Iglesia Evangélica Dominicana in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Dr. Desiree Segura-April will be enjoying a sabbatical time, in order to focus more energy on raising their two-year old son, Nikko. They will be moving on January 8th, 2014 to their place of assignment, and welcome your prayers for the transition, the adjustment to a new culture, and the ministry there. “Thanks so much for opening your hearts and including us as part of this beautiful, welcoming congregation!”
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Page title:Covenant United Methodist Church
Keywords:Spokane, covenant, united, methodist, church, christain, ministry, north, spiritual, jesus, christ, family
Description:We hope you will choose Covenant United Methodist Church as a place to worship God. We are a family of women, men, youth and children who worship God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and who work to support each other in our Christian walk. We are a vital and loving group of people genuinely seeking to grow in Christ and to be transformed by our faith.