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Catholic Encyclopedia: Forty Hours' Devotion

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Description: Somewhat dated with regard to the liturgical details, but otherwise an accurate depiction. Forty Hours has had something of a revival in recent years as a fervent prayer for the healing of AIDS.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Forty Hours' Devotion > Forty Hours' Devotion , is a devotion in which continuous is made for forty hours before the exposed. It is commonly regarded as of the essence of the devotion that it should be kept up in a succession of churches, terminating in one at about the same hour at which it commences in the next, but this question will be discussed in the historical summary. A solemn high Mass, "Mass of Exposition", is sung at the beginning, and another, the "Mass of Deposition", at the end of the period of forty hours; and both these Masses are accompanied by a procession of the
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Page title:CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Forty Hours' Devotion
Description:Somewhat dated with regard to the liturgical details, but otherwise an accurate depiction. A eucharistic devotion