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Called To Be Free

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Offers feeds, materials and scripture to support a relationship with Christ. Provides a prayer request page.
God is not an impersonal force to be used to make people behave in certain ways, but a personal Savior (Jesus) who sets us free to live a free life. Perhaps the question should be rephrased: Are Mormons saved? Are Presbyterians, Catholics, or Baptists for that matter? The answer might surprise you.
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Page title:Called To Be Free
Keywords:Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus, Jesus' cross, christianity, christian, christians, holy spirit, Holy Spirit, Easter, gospel, bible, bible study, prayer, prayer request, pray for you, answered prayer, Rick Warren, Greg Smith, Gospels, Bill Bright, Eugene Peterson, Gillham, Juan Carlos Ortiz, God, Mormon, Bob George, savior, Gospels, Classic Christianity, God, Answered Prayer, Following Jesus Christ, campus crusade, free online study, living with Jesus today, skeptic, walk in the spirit, prayer
Description:God is calling us into a relationship with him through his Son Jesus Christ. As Christians we are called to be free of the rules and regulations of religion and the law, and to know Jesus Christ as friend and savior through the Holy Spirit.