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Bob Davidson's Web Site

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Promotes an understanding of God's Word, especially in the areas of Chronology and Egyptology.
Since Eve ate the apple God has been telling man about the way back. He has not been hiding it. He has been revealing it. Entrenched ideas and superficial approaches to Scripture tend to obscure its meaning. If you want to you can
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Page title:Find Out for Yourself
Keywords:Bible, Scripture, history, ancient history, Egypt, Mesopotamia, hebrew, greek, Israel, Exodus, Eve, dispensation, concordance, lexicon, Bible study, computer Bible study, Courville, Donovan Courville, common sense, Velikovsky, Companion Bible, Bullinger, A Test of Time, context, interlinear Bible, Jerusalem, Acts, translation, anomalies, anomaly, Ramses, Ramesses, Rameses, Ipuwer, Tutmoses, Thothmoses, Tutmose, dynasty, dynasties, Abraham, Abram, Rohl, intermediate period
Description:Use common sense, language, chronology, history to understand the Bible. Don't rely on 'experts' with entrenched ideas to explain the Bible. Find out for yourself!