- 61
- Online index of Bible verses by subject as found in R. A. Torrey's The New Topical Textbook, 1897.
- 63
- Bible search tools, studies by book and verse, commentaries, and question and answer forum. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) online.
- 64
- Bibles.Net
- Online Bible in many translations, concordance search, cross-references, commentaries, Greek or Hebrew for any verse, and the history of the English Bible.
- 65
- Blue Letter Bible
- Searchable Bible, by verse or keyword. Several English translations, plus the Vulgate, and interlinear Hebrew OT and Greek NT. Text and audiovideo commentaries, Bible maps and charts.
- 66
- Choose Faith
- Online KJV Bible, gospel parallels for Jesus' life, reading plans, and Bible verses by topic.
- 67
- Christian Resource Institute
- Biblical and theological articles including Bible studies, readings, and devotions. FAQs, history, doctrine, creeds, pastoral resources, and forum. [English, some Russian and Portuguese]
- 68
- Confidence in the Word
- A beginner's introduction to the Bible, its contents, claims, and themes. Reading, meditation, and study tips.
- 70
- EasyEnglish Bible
- Commentaries, studies, and readings from Wycliffe Associates UK written in EasyEnglish, a simple English vocabulary.
- 71
- Answers from the Bible by email and online archive to questions about God, the Bible, and Christian beliefs.
- 72
- Grace Notes
- Expositional Bible studies, topical dictionary, courses by e-mail, reading plan, and Bible survey.
- 73
- Growing Christians Ministries
- A Bible teaching ministry with Bible study courses, apologetics, and devotions online and downloadable.
- 74
- Describes how to study the Bible through a series of tutorials. Includes interpretation, application, and recommended study tools. Bible studies indexed by topic and verse. [Requires Java]
- 75
- Holy Bible
- Online KJV. Each chapter in its own file, with links to notes. Also has Christian resources including the miracles and parables of the Lord as well as topical studies.
- 76
- Ministries of Grace
- Introductory articles about the text, transmission, and canon of the Bible. An original translation of the Book of Revelation.
- 78
- Officers' Christian Fellowship: Leading Small Groups
- How to lead a small group Bible study. Although written for officers in the military, it has general advice good for any small group. Includes advice on handling disruptions, and dividing as the group grows.