- 561
- Honors to Alexander Mack
- Interpretation of the life and thought of Alexander Mack, founder of the Brethren Church, Church of the Brethren, Grace Brethren, and other Brethren groups.
- 562
- Mutual Aid Association
- Provides insurance protection for Brethren. Members or regular attendees of a Church of the Brethren, Dunkard Brethren, Brethren Church, Old Order German Baptist Brethren, German Baptist Brethren, Grace Brethren and other traditionally Brethren related churches are eligible for insurance.
- 563
- Doctrine of the New Apostolic Church
- Overview of the beliefs of this church from an outside source.
- 565
- New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Catholic Apostolic Church
- Three-page article on the history and doctrine of this church. Includes bibliography. Scanner errors make HTML version difficult to read in spots; page images are available in PNG format.
- 566
- United Apostolic Church Europe
- Apostolic communities throughout Europe and internationally. Site in English, German, and Dutch.
- 567
- CatholiCity
- Offers free Catholic audio tapes and novels, moderated e-mail discussion groups, commentary, carefully selected links.
- 568
- Catholic Online
- News, Church documents, discussion forums, electronic greeting cards, shopping directory, web-based e-mail, links.
- 569
- e-Catholic 2000
- Hopes to serve as an online community of Catholics in communion with Rome. Sections on prayer and mysticism, Catholic Social Teaching, RCIA. E-zine, discussion board, chat (Java or IRC client).
- 570
- Australian Christadelphians
- A meeting place where you can find out about our faith and where you can contact us in Australia.
- 572
- Chooselife
- Play online interactive bible games for young and old. Read meditations, bible stories and information on general Christadelphian beliefs.
- 573
- Christ is Coming!
- Christadelphians believe that Christ will return to earth. This explains why. From the booklet of the same name.
- 574
- Christadelphia Home Page
- Information about, and defence of, Christadelphian belief as well as information useful to Christadelphian ecclesias. Has lists of Christadelphian groups in North America and the rest of the world.
- 575
- Christadelphian Bible Mission
- The CBM seeks to preach the gospel throughout the world, establish ecclesias (churches) for those who become Christadelphian as a result of this preaching, and continue to support them with pastoral care in their new lives in Christ.
- 576
- Search out the Truth
- Preaching things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. Search out the Truth from the Bible for yourself and be on the winning side.
- 577
- The Christadelphians - Bible Believing People
- Explains Christadelphian beliefs. Includes a searchable directory of Christadelphian sites, information on how to use the Internet safely, and the Christadelphian Webring. Also hosts UK regional groups.
- 578
- Your Share in God's Promises
- What Christadelphians believe God has promised to those who try to follow Christ. From the booklet of the same name.