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Sangye Temple Buddhist Organisation

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about Sangye Temple, directed by Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche. Brief biographies of the teachers, their projects in Tibet, and teachings.
Samye Buddhist Center - Index Page The Samye Buddhist Center was established by Sangpo Rinpoche to provide a better understanding of Tibetan Buddhism, and to make Dharma teachings internationally available for students and practitioners. The purpose of the Center is to provide a place for Buddhist practice to purify the mind, and most importantly to preserve and spread the teachings of the Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings. Please feel free to read about Rinpoche, his teachings and his school project.
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Page title:Samye Buddhist Center - Index Page
Description:The Samye Buddhist Center was established by Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche to provide a better understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and to make Dharma teachings internationally available for students and practitioners. The purpose of the Center is to provide a place for Buddhist practice to purify the mind, and most importantly to preserve and spread the teachings of the Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings.