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Nichiren Shu - North America

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Temple locations and contact information for North America.
Nichiren Shu Buddhism: Temples Near You - North America - California Los Angeles Minobusan Beikoku Betsuin Los Angeles, California 90033U.S.A. Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church Contact minister in San Francisco Area
Size: 217 chars

Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 510-690-1222


Page title:Nichiren Shu Buddhism: Temples Near You - North America - California
Keywords:Nichiren Shu, Buddhist, Buddhism, Nichiren Shonin, Lotus Sutra, Buddha, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, Our Practice, Mt, Minobu, Bridge, Nichiren Shu News
Description:The Nichiren Shu is a Buddhist Order Founded by the religious prophet and reformer, Nichiren Shonin. We vow to the Buddha and Nichiren Shonin that we will strive to engender peace within ourselves and throughout the world by disseminating the teaching expounded in the Lotus Sutra