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Newmarket: Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Offers meditation retreats and classes. Their facility is also available for rental use.
Aryaloka Buddhist Center | Triratna Buddhist Community - Meditation and Buddhism in New Hampshire (NH) Aryaloka is a place dedicated to the study and practice of Buddhism. We are part of the - an international network of public centers, communities and projects. Our mission is to create the best possible conditions in which to explore and practice the Buddhist path. We study and practice meditation and Buddhadharma in a spiritual community based on the ideals of compassion, generosity, and awareness.
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Page title:Aryaloka Buddhist Center | Triratna Buddhist Community - Meditation and Buddhism in New Hampshire (NH)
Keywords:New Hampshire, NH, Buddhism, Buddhist, retreat, Aryaloka, Aryaloka Buddhist Center, FWBO, Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, WBO, Triratna, Triratna Buddhist Community, Triratna Buddhist Order, Buddha, dharma, dhamma, sangha, Western Buddhist Order, Bhudda, bhuddist, bhuddism, meditation, Newmarket, Durham, Portsmouth, Stratham
Description:We offer meditation, dharma study and practice in Newmarket, NH. We are a part of the Triratna Buddhist Community, a network of meditation centers, communities and businesses dedicated to bringing the essence of Buddhism to the West.