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Dallas Shambhala Study Group

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Scan day: 01 March 2014 UTC
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Description: We are a diverse community that meets on a weekly basis to study the Shambhala teachings, as set forth by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and founder of Shambhala Training International. We practice Shamatha meditation, which is the cultivation of peacefulness and loving kindness, conduct classes, sponsor Shambhala Training programs, and practice mindful living as the path of heart, enabling us to cultivate awareness, simplicity, and warmth.
Home | Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center Welcome to the Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center The Shambhala Meditation Center of Dallas is part of a global community of meditation centers dedicated to the principle that every human being has a fundamental nature of basic goodness. This goodness can be developed in meditation and in daily life to radiate out to family, friends and society.
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Page title:Home | Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center
Description:Mindfulness-awareness and mindfulness meditation Dallas Shambhala Meditation Center. Compassion, confidence, wisdom and joy in our day-to-day life