Abhidhamma Vipassana
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Books and articles about Theravada Buddhism.
Abhidhamm | Abhidhamma Vipassana ' + ''; $interface = $(markup).css({display:'none', opacity:0}).appendTo($self).slideDown('slow', function() { $interface.animate({opacity:1}); $self.trigger('mbInterfaceBuilt'); }); } function setTitle() { $title.html(trackName(current)); } function setArtist() { if (isUndefined(myPlaylist[current].artist)) $artist.parent(cssSelector.artistOuter).animate({opacity:0}, 'fast'); else { $artist.html(myPlaylist[current].artist).parent(cssSelector.artistOuter).animate({opacity:1}, 'fast'); } } function setCover() { $albumCover.animate({opacity:0}, 'fast', function() { if (!isUndefined(myPlaylist[current].cover)) { var now = current; if(now == current) $albumCover.css({opacity:1}).html(''); } }); } function setDescription() { if (!isUndefined(options.description)) $self.find(cssSelector.description).html(options.description).addClass(attr(cssSelector.descriptionShowing)).slideDown(); } return{ buildInterface:buildInterface, init:init } }; /** Common Functions **/ function trackName(index) { if (!isUndefined(myPlaylist[index].title)) return myPlaylist[index].title; else if (!isUndefined(myPlaylist[index].mp3)) return fileName(myPlaylist[index].mp3); else if (!isUndefined(myPlaylist[index].oga)) return fileName(myPlaylist[index].oga); else return ''; } function fileName(path) { path = path.split('/'); return path[path.length - 1]; } function setRating(type, $track, index) {if (type == 'track') { if (!isUndefined(myPlaylist[index].rating)) { applyTrackRating($track, myPlaylist[index].rating); } } else { //if the rating isn't set, use 0 var rating = !isUndefined(myPlaylist[index].rating) ? Math.ceil(myPlaylist[index].rating) : 0; applyCurrentlyPlayingRating(rating); } } function applyCurrentlyPlayingRating(rating) { //reset the rating to 0, then set the rating defined above $self.find(cssSelector.trackInfo).find(cssSelector.ratingLevel).removeClass(attr(cssSelector.ratingL
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