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Sacred Geometry for Fun and Personal Growth

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Description: A summary of sacred geometry, covering Pythagoras, the Golden Ratio, cymatics and creation through sound, plus a practical geometry workshop, geometric graphics, and a meditation for higher consciousness.
Sacred Geometry for Fun and Personal Growth, including Pythagoras, phi and the golden ratio. Sacred Geometry for Fun and Personal Growth.          Sacred geometry is a vast and exciting subject. This website will give you a good summary, with some practical exercises and tools to get started, plus further resources to guide you onward. To start with, mathematics is a wonderful clean subject. It is not subject to opinion, nor does it rely on heated debates as to what the correct answer is. And geometry specifically is pure beauty! It is a great synthesizer, merging the linear, rational aspect of math through the left-side of the brain with the graphical, artistic aspect of pattern and beauty through the right brain. It unites the mind and the heart (called the "intelligence of the heart" by the ancient Egyptians), spirit and matter, science and spirituality. These are all apparently separate halves of the Whole.
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Page title:Sacred Geometry for Fun and Personal Growth, including Pythagoras, phi and the golden ratio.
Keywords:sacred geometry, spiritual geometry, sacrid geomatry, Christ consciousness, higher consciousness, geometry, spirituality, icosahedron, dodecahedron, Pythagoras, Samos, phi, golden ratio, divine proportion, cymatics, creation through sound, personal growth, building blocks of nature.
Description:Sacred geometry reveals the intimate link between geometry, creation and spirituality. It's a fun and creative subject that helps in personal growth.


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