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Vedanta Life Institute

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Founded by Sri Parthasarathy, the 'Vedanta Academy', near Mumbai in India, offers a three year residential course on Vedanta, based on study, contemplation and practice. It is open to those aged 16 - 30. Short-term, practical residential courses are also available for business men and professionals on topics such as stress and time management. Books may also be purchased (though not by credit card) and there are Vedantic Centres at various locations around the world.
The work of Vedanta World is inspired by the teachings of Swami Parthasarathy, an internationally eminent philosopher widely acclaimed as the greatest living exponent of Vedanta. The ancient philosophy of Vedanta contains the eternal principles of living. The Swami's mission is to expose Vedanta and its practical application in life to audiences in India and across the world.
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Page title:Vedanta World
Keywords:Vedanta, self development, spirituality, practical philosophy, Hinduism, Hindu philosophy, Self help, Spiritual intelligence, Emotional intelligence, Emotional Stability, Stress Management, stress reduction, Intelligence, Intellect
Description:The ancient wisdom of Vedanta helps one deal with the challenges of life. Makes one more productive and successful, less stressed and clear in decision making. Endows emotional stability and harmony in relationships. Above all, leads one to the ultimate goal of Self Realization.