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The Marxists Writers Archives

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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A developing resource of texts in the Marxist tradition. Includes works by a number of writers from Marx, Engels and Lenin to DeLeon, Pablo, Kollantai, Labriola, Morris, Cannon and Mariategui.
Marxists Internet Archive Library, Complete Index of Writers —— Library —— The founders of Marxism, Marx and Engels, participated in the “International Workingmen's Association” from 1864 to 1872, where they found their first base of support and a connection with the workers' movement. Based in London, the International found supporteres across Europe and in the U.S.A.
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Page title:Marxists Internet Archive Library, Complete Index of Writers
Keywords:Marxism, Documents, Archives, Marxist, Marxists, Communism, Communists, Socialism, Socialists, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Guevara, Luxemburg, Gramsci Karl Marx, Che Guevara, capital, Lenin, fidel castro, Stalin, imperialism, black panthers, first international, social democracy, reformists, fabians, comintern, soviet science, soviet marxism, western marxism, french left, frankfurt school, trotskyism, marxist humanism, guerilla marxism, national liberation, black liberation, maoists, Paris Commune, French Revolution, Utopianism, feminism, anarchists, philosophy, ethics, political economy, natural science
Description:The most complete library of Marxism.