Global Greens Conference Website
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Worldwide posting board for Greens.
Global Greens | The network of the worlds green parties and political movements Ska Keller (Germany) and José Bové (France) have been selected to lead the Greens in their upcoming European election campaign. The two are the winners of the historic Green Primary, the first ever Europe-wide open online process to select leading candidates for the European elections. Ska Keller and José Bové will be the figureheads of the third common Green European campaign, and lead the united Green parties of Europe in spreading the message that we can and will bring the change that EU so desperately needs.
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Page title: | Global Greens | The network of the worlds green parties and political movements |
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Date | Creation Date: 2001-03-17T02:35:41Z Expiry Date: 2016-03-17T02:35:41Z |