Kirsten Anderberg's Articles
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Scan day: 16 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Political satire and radical op/ed articles by Kirsten Anderberg who writes for, Eat the State!, Crash Zine and is based in Seattle, Wa.
Kirsten Anderberg: History, Health, and Journalism Kirsten Anderberg: Journalism, Health & History The "Mind Fucks" of Being a Street Performer From afar, it may seem like proficiency at an art form (music, magic, etc.) is the most important component to a successful street performing act, but it is not. Honestly, having a professional-quality act is a small part of busking (aka street performing). I've always felt that it is better to be a great performer and a mediocre musician than a great musician and a mediocre performer when it comes to busking. But it goes much deeper than that. As a busker, you have to learn how to play mind games, even on yourself, to survive. How do you interpret a day when you performed beautifully yet only made 6 pennies all day? Do you suck? Do they suck? Was it the weather or time of month or some crazy astrological alignment? Learning to pay your dues without beating yourself up or giving up is perhaps the most important skill a busker can possess. You have to have a bit of a fighter spirit in you to take to the streets with your art. And a fighter spirit is at times necessary to endure many tides of hostile police, rude shop owners, highly competitive buskers and even your own self-doubt...(
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Page title: | Kirsten Anderberg: History, Health, and Journalism |
Keywords: | kirsten anderberg, history of seattle, history of los angeles, history of san fernando valley, history of santa clarita valley, mother zosima, feminist music, feminist comedy, feminist vaudeville, women buskers, politics, anarchy, poverty, poverty politics, feminism, welfare, police, protest, street medicine, parenting, health, DIY, herbs, midwifery, journalism, education, empowerment |
Description: | Kirsten Anderberg's articles on politics, poverty, police, protests, parenting, and more. |
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Date | Creation date: 2001/02/22 Expiry date: 2014/02/22 |