- 62
- Aristotle's Psychology
- Recounts the principal and distinctive claims of Aristotle's psychological writings, especially "De Anima." By Christopher Shields of the University of Colorado.
- 70
- Being and Becoming in Modern Physics
- Discusses implications of general relativity for the philosophy of time; by Steven Savitt.
- 71
- Benjamin Peirce
- Life and work of 19th century mathematician and philosopher of mathematics; by Ivor Grattan-Guinness and Alison Walsh.
- 72
- Biodiversity
- Discussion of philosophical issues related to biological diversity; by Daniel P. Faith.
- 73
- Biological Altruism
- Discussion of how altruistic behavior by organisms fits with the theory of evolution; by Samir Okasha.
- 74
- Bosanquet, Bernard
- William Sweet of St. Francis Xavier University introduces the absolute idealist.
- 76
- Brentano's Theory of Judgement
- Discussion of Franz Brentano's foundation for logic and epistemology; by Johannes Brandl.
- 78
- Category Theory
- Jean-Pierre Marquis of the University of Montreal introduces the general mathematical theory of structures and systems of structures.