- 201
- Philosophy of Childhood
- The philosophy of childhood takes up philosophically interesting questions about childhood, about conceptions people have of childhood and attitudes they have toward children; by Gareth Matthews.
- 204
- Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology
- Discussion of Plato's views on metaphysics and the theory of knowledge, including his theory of forms; by Allan Silverman.
- 209
- Probabilistic Causation
- "Probabilistic Causation" designates a group of philosophical theories that aim to characterize the relationship between cause and effect using the tools of probability theory. A primary motivation for the development of such theories is the desire for a theory of causation that does not presuppose physical determinism.
- 211
- Properties
- Entry in the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy by Chris Swoyer. Principally concerned with existence and identity conditions.
- 212
- Propositional Attitude Reports
- Explores semantic accounts of propositional attitude reports, and some of the theories developed to deal with Frege's puzzle. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Thomas J. McKay.
- 216
- Qualia: The Knowledge Argument
- Aims to establish that conscious experience involves non-physical properties. It is one of the most discussed arguments against physicalism; by Martine Nida-Rümelin.
- 217
- Quantum Logic and Quantum Probability
- How quantum mechanics can be regarded as a non-classical probabilistic calculus; by Alexander Wilce.