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Science, Pseudoscience and Society

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Papers by Feynman on paranormal 'sciences', Sokal Affair (use of pseudo-physics in social sciences), critique of Kuhn. Also a collection of links.
May the source be with you, but remember the KISS principle ;-) The image reproduced from the paper " Science, PseudoScience and Society It's not easy to write about pseudo science. The problem has to do with the fluid nature of the concept. It has no single, precise meaning and there is little agreement about its constituent elements. It involved subjugation of scientific aims to political goals and deliberate attempt in deception and subsequent cover up. But recently almost all science became political and all politics involved deception: to say that a politician is not lying is the same as to say that an alcoholic is not drinking. Still there are different degrees of lies and different level of dencity of the "cloud of deception". Lysenkoism probably represents classic early example when an set of obvious lies was supported by repressive apparatus of state. What we saw it as a tragedy in Stalin's Russia genetics, we now see it as a farce in USA economics with neo-classical economics flourishing with the supportive guidance of neoliberal state and financial olifgarchy. 
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Page title:PseudoScience
Keywords:cargo cult science, pseudoscience, science fraud, junk science, critical thinking, fringe science
Description:lysenkoism, open source software, pseudoscience