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A Palindrome: Conscious Living Creatures as Instruments of Nature; The Latter as an Instrument of the Former.

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Description: A palindromic relationship is reported between astrophysical-biological evolution and mind-possessing living creatures in it. Essay by Mario Crocco.
A Palindrome: Conscious Living Creatures as Instruments of Nature; Nature as an Instrument of Conscious Living Creatures Gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico "Dr. José Tiburcio Borda"
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Page title:A Palindrome: Conscious Living Creatures as Instruments of Nature; Nature as an Instrument of Conscious Living Creatures
Keywords:Mario Crocco cognition consciousness studies cognitive neuroscience neurosciences sociology of neurobiology nervous system evolution origin of life plasmopsychism plasmopsiquismo psychophysiology philosophy of mind-brain conscious mind cognitive science gnoseology artificial intelligence neurobiology artificial life linguistics neural networks connectionism cognitive psychology consciousness research intellectual development time semovient semovience least action quanta Planck-scale graininess barygenesis baryogenesis cosmology biospheric differentiation albedo shortest path chemical kinetics cell space compartmentalization non-thermodynamic constraints cadacualtez postmortal existentialities afterlife soul axiology axiological eschatology disembodied cogito unembodied Jewish monotheism Hebrew Trinity cadacualtez Hume Kant Christian Peripatetism materia signata quantitate Pythagoras Parmenides Plato British Puritanism Platonism Aristotle Scholasticism Scholastics palíndrome palindrome palindromic palindrómica palindrómico palindromo palíndromo
Description:ABSTRACT: Conventional wisdom states that science cannot discover or describe any intrinsic, non-instrumental value. Research in a broader perspective indicates that this may be doubted. What goes on in the uni-verse manifests itself to natural scientists as an axiological palindrome, readable from more than a single vantage point. If, through observation of reality, one comes to recognize that mind-possessing living creatures – whether human or of some other species – were used as a means, that is to say functionalized, by physical processes, namely by biospheric evolution and its larger context, then one must also recognize that the astrophysical-biospheric evolution was in turn functionalized or used as a means to afford responsibility to some mind-possessing living creatures. Natural science thus observes a mirror or reciprocal functionalization, in which each of both realities uses for its own ends the reality that uses it as a means. FULL TEXT Electroneurobiology Res Lab, Neuropsychiatric Hospital Borda Buenos Aires