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Julian Jaynes Society

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Description: Society for the discussion of Jaynes' bicameral mind theory of consciousness. Includes bibliography (with some abstracts and full-text articles), members-only area, and online application form.
Julian Jaynes Society | Exploring Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind Theory Since 1997 Why are gods and idols ubiquitous throughout the ancient world? What is the relationship of consciousness and language? How is it that oracles came to influence entire civilizations such as Greece? If consciousness arose far back in human evolution, how can it so easily be altered in hypnosis and "possession"? Is schizophrenia a vestige of an earlier mentality? These are just some of the difficult questions addressed by Julian Jaynes's influential and controversial theory of the origin of subjective consciousness or the "modern mind."
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Page title:Julian Jaynes Society | Exploring Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind Theory Since 1997
Description:The primary goals of the Julian Jaynes Society are to foster discussion and a better understanding of the life, work, and theories of Julian Jaynes, the implications of his bicameral mind theory of consciousness, and the topic of consciousness in general.