Philosophy of Logic
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- On the Origins of Analytic Philosophy
- Review of the German and Austrian traditions of post-Kantian philosophy. Austrian philosophy is characterized by a concentration on problems of logic, language and ontology. [PDF]
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- The philosophy of Bernard Bolzano: Logic and ontology
- A selection of critical judgements on the philosophy of Bernard Bolzano, with a focus on his contributions to logic and ontology.
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- The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning
- This article analyzes the design of automated systems for reasoning in terms of Peirce’s semiotics and Wittgenstein’s language games.
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- Vagueness, Logic, and Ontology
- Article by Achille Varzi about vagueness of boundaries in definitions and categories.
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- Brain Den: Paradoxes
- Presents well-known paradoxes, including liar, double liar, barber, and lazy-bones paradox. Also contains sophisms, and short paradoxical sentences from life.
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- Franz Kiekeben's Page: Philosophy
- Homepage maintained by Franz Kiekeben, containing short essays on well-known paradoxes, such as Newcomb's paradox.
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- Paradoxes and Dilemmas
- Common paradoxes and dilemmas, particularly of the social type: the Voting Paradox, Prisoner's Dilemma, Newcomb's Paradox, Unexpected Hanging, Execution Paradox, and the Self-Amendment Paradox.
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- The Epimenides Paradox
- An analysis of several attempted resolutions of the Epimenides Paradox (also known as the Liar Paradox), showing how they all fail.
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- Conjectures
- PhD thesis of Peter Flach, investigating the `logic of induction' from philosophical and machine-learning perspectives.
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- The Problem of Induction
- Essay by Karl Popper, arguing that there is no such thing as inductive inference.
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- Assigning Meaning to Proofs
- Report by Robert Constable, subtitled `A semantic basis for problem solving environments'. Constable's aim is to use metamathematical results to guide the making of framewroks for constructive logic, as part of the NuPrl project.
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- In Spite of Davidson's Arguments for `The Folly of Trying to Define Truth', Truth Can Be Defined
- Article by Dan Nesher presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy.
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- Is Truth Objective or Subjective?
- An article that examines the nature of truth. Is truth objective or subjective? Can it be both?
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- The Diamond Theory of Truth
- Trudeau, in The Non-Euclidean Revolution, argued for his "Story Theory of truth" as opposed to the traditional "Diamond Theory of truth". This site defends Plato and diamond theory against postmodernists and story theory.