Chats and Forums
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- Ask the Philosopher
- A place to ask and discuss philosophical questions using bulletin boards, forms, chat, and e-mail.
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- Captain Cynic: Philosophy Forums
- This forum divides its discussion into two dozen philosophic topics. These topics are not the traditional philosophic categories, but address specific questions and issues.
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- Humanity Quest
- User-supplied quotations and commentary on a large number of human values, arranged in alphabetical order. Features extensive links to reference tools, and forms by which users may add their own content.
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- I Love
- Discussion forums on philosophy, social sciences, natural sciences, and religion as well as an outlet for member-written essays.
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- Meaning of Life Depot
- A place for people to discuss all aspects of philosophy and how it relates to the Meaning of Life.
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- Night Owl Mk.II
- Open debate and discussion on numerous topics of current events and philosophical interest from a skeptical and intellectual viewpoint.
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- Online Philosophy Club forums
- Open discussion fora, reviews & recommendations, various resources. Open for everyone.
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- Philosophy Now Forum
- A forum for discussion of all aspects of philosophy, containing sub-forums for specific topics.
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- The Couch Discussion Forum
- A small forum for the discussion of philosophy and the arts. Home of the armchair philosopher.
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